Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Zendaya Quickie

This is me figuring out how to draw and paint. It's not like I don't know how, but there's so much more I want to create! As stated in a previous post, I'm committing to posting more work; not just finished illustrations but my concepts, loose ideas, sketches, designs, inspiration, and thoughts. 
And I'm committed not to be afraid of how awful I might think it looks. I've found myself holding back too much or not exploring or developing certain aspects of an image because I was more focused on preserving the finished surface rather than dissecting the piece, getting messy and figuring out how it really works.

I'm becoming more comfortable with experimenting and plainly admitting that I don't know everything. This is my opportunity to be honest with myself and my audience (more importantly with myself); here I can express my ignorance and my desire to learn, explore, develop, discover, traverse and uncover. There is so much I feel like I have to learn about constructing form and digital painting its laughable, but instead of being fearful and approaching the problem from a careful perspective, I've decided instead to jump head first!

By the way, this piece is of the wonderful Zendaya :]

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