Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Leather Bag Baby

This bag is based off of reference material. To be brief, my sketches are usually done in loose pen, but I'm working on producing rough work with depth using value (whether digital or traditional) and then doing so more consistently. I don't want to settle for just pen sketches; those are fun, but I have to push myself to do more, even if its a sketch. So, look for more of this...

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Zendaya Quickie

This is me figuring out how to draw and paint. It's not like I don't know how, but there's so much more I want to create! As stated in a previous post, I'm committing to posting more work; not just finished illustrations but my concepts, loose ideas, sketches, designs, inspiration, and thoughts. 
And I'm committed not to be afraid of how awful I might think it looks. I've found myself holding back too much or not exploring or developing certain aspects of an image because I was more focused on preserving the finished surface rather than dissecting the piece, getting messy and figuring out how it really works.

I'm becoming more comfortable with experimenting and plainly admitting that I don't know everything. This is my opportunity to be honest with myself and my audience (more importantly with myself); here I can express my ignorance and my desire to learn, explore, develop, discover, traverse and uncover. There is so much I feel like I have to learn about constructing form and digital painting its laughable, but instead of being fearful and approaching the problem from a careful perspective, I've decided instead to jump head first!

By the way, this piece is of the wonderful Zendaya :]

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Secrets of the Kush Empire's Asukari

Working on character design and such for an amazing original comic entitled Secrets of the Kush Empire by Alex Griffin. Here is my interpretation of the main character Asukari! Check out more of this great production here!

I enjoyed working on the piece, but admittedly, I am working on making my characters more lively, fluid, and organic; I feel like they come off as too rigid or flat. Well, the only way to remedy that is to keep drawing and post more work! So stop talking and get to it!

Side note: I've been busy with so many different projects that it has affected my ability to reflect. I think that time of reflection is so necessary for growth. I thought staying busy was most important, but I am learning to be more selective with my time and commitments. Success is not an accident so I will not treat the journey as such. I'm divulging so much of myself, probably because I haven't made a post in some time.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Built Ford Tough

I really need to finish some personal pieces. Too many sketches. I'm working on improving my digital skills so I'm starting to create images right off the computer instead of scanning them in. I prefer working with red pen (love it), but I need to be flexible with my approach. Plus, I love the art of Robaato and REIQ. Two artists I greatly admire and wish to mimic just a little.
PS: So much respect for the Ford Motor Company for not needing a government bailout. I prefer Japanese and German cars, but if I do buy American, it will be a Ford.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Robin Williams Rest in Peace

It really feels like the stars are flickering out faster than there are great people to fill their shoes. Robin Williams was definitely an amazing man.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Sketch Page 001

I'm going to make an effort not to just post stuff because I want to add content to the blog. Here's a page from my sketchbook of me just studying facial expressions and playing around. It's genuine and not at all rushed, just playful. However, I'm going to set the bar here for content. My other works will be just as chaotic or more finished.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

RPG Icons

Okay, I finished the RPG icon set. Now its time to play some more Mass Effect 2. PS: I'll release a downloadable file of these little guys shortly.

Monday, August 4, 2014


I am working on a banner for my web site. I've been greatly inspired by sci-fi media this year: Space Odyssey 2001, Mass Effect 1 and 2 and Alien. I just can't get enough.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Tiny Roleplaying (Update 2)

I must credit Mat Helme and the folks at Team Treehouse for boosting my design skills. I've know how to use Adobe Illustrator for almost a decade and I've done some decent work with it, but the training I've acquired from the instructors at Treehouse have helped me to tighten my workflow and use more tools to create objects more efficiently and accurately.
After one more round of edits I'll release the set as downloadable vector and png files.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Juicy Justice (wip)

As you know, I'm playing Mass Effect 2 and I love it. Apparently, you can develop loyalty and trust among your comrades and acquire benefits from these relationships (I'm sure this is old news to you video game trailblazers). In any case, I was focusing on kicking it old school with Jack until I ran into Samara...needless to say, I like this character quite a bit.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Jesus Blood Bike

Filler? Yes, but I really did like this guys bike and I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to say so. It's stupid being anxious talking to people, especially on the train. In his book Force: Character Design from Life Drawing, Mike Mattesi made a point about how funny it is watching people standing in line try their best not to look at one another.

I do that, but I'm looking for excuses not to. Although, sometimes I don't want to talk to people, I find internal conversations more stimulating, sometimes.
Bicycle at MARTA in Atlanta

Monday, July 28, 2014

Mass(ive) Assets

I know this game is like 5 years old, but I am having so much fun running around space! I just finished the first one and it was mostly worth playing for continuity, but ME2 is so rich with content!

Speaking of, Miranda's assets are ridiculously accentuated. Here, you can see Shepard trying his best not to burn a hole through her bum. It's shots like these that remind me there's a gifted team of designers with a sense of humor and a soft spot for pervs. Thank you Bioware.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Here's a sketch of my roommate while practicing his guitar. He's convinced himself that he's not a "hipster", but he's very much in denial. I'm still unclear of what it means to be a hipster, I keep getting conflicting descriptions from different groups of people. I'd like to think that I've transcended class-based labels and social compartmentalizationalisms (nailed it!)
I've always admired characters like Rufus from Final Fantasy VII or Tywin Lannister from GoT, for reasons not so obvious. I wonder how people would classify me?

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Tiny Roleplaying

Working on a set of RPG related icons. Expect to see more progress soon.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Form & Nostalgia

These pieces are fairly dated. Nevertheless, here's my attempt to practice lighting on form and some isometric goodness. I really felt the nostalgia while working on the block. I would love to do some in-game pixel art.

PS: Greatly inspired by Mr. Xa from http://xa-xa-xa.deviantart.com/

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bottom Sketches

Pretty self-explanatory. These are some warm-up/studies on a subject that I'm most comfortable with. With such a straightforward subject matter, I think this will be a great opportunity for me to play around with proportion, props, and other elements to push my creativity. Have a request? Let me know.